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Deal ends Sep 03.
Color: Black and White; Size: 5.3 x 6.6 ft; so the size is sufficient for most of the photo shoots you will be doing.
Made of 100% non-woven fabrics, good vertical sense, lightweight and durable, specifically designed for photography.
Crimped along the edges to prevent tearing; easy to fold and wash; they come packaged individually in clear plastic bags.
Simply dust off the surface and should be ready for reuse; This particularly backdrop doesn't have the premade rod inserts, so you can make it what you want, whether you are using a homemade PVC stand for a professional backdrop stand. You can hang this up over a curtain rod if you choose.
You have a nice variety of colors. These two colors should allow you to have a good background color for whatever you are shooting; and they are replacement for Muslin cotton backdrop.