Ends in 04h 01m 04s Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. $38.95 FREE Shipping . FREE Shipping . Junk Very nice. Works great. I like the balance and the ability to select how fine the grind will be. I'm very happy with this purchase. I bought this pepper mill for my husband and he he is very happy with your product. He specifically said the light is an unexpected nice feature (we have a low lit dining area). Well-made grinder, with push-button convenience. The chamber that holds the peppercorns or salt is only about 2in x 2in - so if you eat a lot of pepper (as we do) you will be... It's great adjustable usually use and I like it a lot So far I love this grinder...it performs beautifully. I like my pepper in a fine grind and my husband prefers a more coarse grind... The cap for the bottom does not fit well. Also, while the 4 AA batteries and their sleeve give more reliability than 4 AAA batteries, the pepper mill is so tall it is unstable... Really like this pepper grinder. Easy to fill, replace batteries, and adjust coarseness of grind. Also looks good and is easy to keep clean--doesn't attract fingerprints, etc. I had purchased a lower cost set and one of the units wouldn't even open to allow battery and salt or pepper placement. We have only had these a few short days. On of them take a several button presses to get it to work.
Deal ends Mar 28.
HIGH HARDNESS CERAMIC MECHANISM, provides longer life performance than metal blades.
RUST PROOF, NON-CORROSIVE NON-REACTIVE CERAMIC will not alter the flavour of the spices ground.
CORDLESS BATTERY OPERATED, can easily moving around in the kitchen while cooking.
ONE-BUTTON SINGLE-HAND OPERATION, just a push of the button and enjoy the fresh, pure flavour any time you wish.
NO PRE-SET PRECISION LEVEL LIMITATION, easily adjust the coarseness of your spices from fine or coarse by turning a knob at the bottom! We offer One Year Unlimited Warranty with a 100% Satisfaction Policy, purchase from Eukein with peace of mind! :-)