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LIMITED TIME DEAL BUY YOUR SET FOR JUST 10.99!!!. CREATIVITY IN MOTION - These premium quality permanent fabric markers are specifically designed for use on any fabrics. Whether it's a simple DIY project on your t-shirt or to bring some color back to your worn out sneakers, or add some color to a dull looking canvas bag, then these are the ultimate markers to unleash your creativity and have heaps of fun.
PREMIUM QUALITY - This professional art and craft marker gift set has a selection of 36 bold, vibrant colors in each value pack.It also comes in a good quality zipped black storage pouch/bag where you can store all your markers in it without loosing them. Suitable for fabric wall arts,shoes,handbags,table cloth,place mats,baby vests,etc.
EASE OF USE - Machine washable, pigmented and fade resistant when washed in normal wash cycles(30C) with neutral detergants. Crafts4all® wants to bring you only the very best. PLEASE NOTE THAT WASHING ABOVE 30C COLORS CAN RUN KIDS SAFE & NON TOXIC - No hazardous chemicals used. It is advised that young children are always supervised whilst using these markers. These markers are not suitable for children under 3 years of age.
DUAL TIP - These markers allows you to write in both thin and thick lines, providing great versatility and flexibility allowing you to create various styles, sketches and patterns with ease. The light weight design further adds to the ease of writing. Artist or amateur, adult or kid, just let the bright color delight your life.
KIDS SAFE & NON TOXIC - No hazardous chemicals used. It is advised that young children are always supervised whilst using these markers. These markers are not suitable for children under 3 years of age. DEAR CUSTOMERS, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU BUY THE GENUINE CRAFTS 4 ALL PRODUCTS ONLY FROM E & I TRADING LTD FULFILLED BY AMAZON. E & I TRADING LTD IS THE ONLY AUTHORISED SELLER FOR CRAFTS 4 ALL PRODUCTS.