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Deal ends Aug 14.
The Famili Wireless Meat Thermometer is a digital thermometer with wireless remote for monitoring cooking temperatures for up to 300' away.
Digital Kitchen Thermometer Timer measures temperature ranges from 6°F to 482°F (-9°C to 250°C), the margin of error is ±1.5°F/0.8°C . Provide two temperature models Celsius/Fahrenheit
Distinctive alarms for temperature and timer alerts 24 hour, 59 minute timer, 4" food grade stainless steel probe with STEP-DOWN tip design to get temperature precisely and quickly
Display features ''doneness'' (rare,medium rare, medium, medium well, well done) as appropriate for each meat, Programmable entree programs include PROG(program), GBEEF(ground poultry), BEEF, VEAL, CHCKE(chicken), PORK, POULT(poultry), LAMB & FISH.
Famili roasting and baking cooking thermometer with a wireless remote pager. You can be up to 300 feet away from your oven, BBQ or Smoker and still be alerted that your food is nearing the desired temperature and again when the food is done.