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2 IN 1 usb Cable,Most Popular Length 1m / 3.3ft
Multi function:Charges Android, iPod, iPhone, iPad, Micro-USB Smartphones - Standard USB plug splits to micro USB
Very practical:Charging and data transmission for iPhone 6s / 6s Plus, iPhone 5 / 5s / 5c, iPad Mini, iPad Air, iPod touch 5, iPod Nano 7, Google Nexus4/7/10, Samsung Galaxy Tab/Note, Samsung Galaxy S3/S4/S6/S6 Edge, HTC, Motorola, Nexus, LG, Sony, Blackberry and more.
So convenient:No need to carry any other cable when you are in a car, office or travelling.This is all in one portable charging solution for those who are on move all the time.
Lightweight and portable connects your smart phone with your laptops or Notebooks by a USB port. Charge multiple devices at the same time from one USB port.