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MOTIVATIONAL GOAL PLANNER & ORGANIZATION JOURNAL: Freedom Planner is much more than just a daily notebook or calendar. Our journal is a motivational tool and daily life coach that helps you set, and achieve your personal, professional, academic and financial goals. *Dated Jan-Dec2016*
UNIQUE ALL IN ONE APPROACH: Whether you're looking for a diet journal, event planner, or student planner our goals journal system breaks down every aspect of your hectic schedule with a simple and flexible layout that can be customized for your scheduling needs.
MULTI-PURPOSE YEARLY, MONTHLY, AND DAILY ORGANIZER: Planner features daily, monthly and weekly calendars to help you focus on the big picture while balancing your day to day tasks with your long terms and short term goals.
OUR NOTEBOOK UTILIZES PROVEN PRODUCTIVITY TECHNIQUES: Freedom Planner uses the same easy to follow goal oriented techniques used by the likes of Suze Orman, Tony Robbins, and Oprah Winfrey. It's like having a motivational speaker or life coach cheering you on every day.
100% CUSTOMER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED: Reach higher levels of productivity and organization or your money back! If you are not happy with your freedom productivity planner we will refund your purchase no questions asked. Printed on 100% recycled paper.