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Deal ends Aug 19.
3 In 1 Efficient Manual Knife Sharpener System-Instant correct sharpening angle when you place your knife. Ceramic Slot for ceramic knives. Coarse Slot for dull steel knives. Fine Slot hones ALL blades to razor sharp. In one small compact unit at a great value!
Unique Design-Unique design knife sharpen wheel system sharpens straight and serrated edge double-beveled Euro / American style knives. Sharpens all sizes knives from paring knives, chef's knife to hunting and pocket knives to magic sharp.
High Quality- High quality stainless steel with soft ABS finger-grip handle for better comfort and control. No tedious grinding and no worries about damaging your expensive knives with handheld stone.
Super Easy To Use-Just few passes through the sharpener is all to restore any knife to a precision edge.
Lifetime Warranty- If you are not 100% satisfied with our knife sharpener, fully money back guarantee or replace a new one! No question asked! Buy now, you will not disappointed!!!