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Deal ends Aug 23.
AN ELEGANT ALTERNATIVE TO GLASS - Contoured sidewalls and reinforced bases combine to a create perfect balance and a bowl profile that replicates fine glass. Crystal clear and smartly-designed, these glasses are perfect for your favorite wines and will add a stylish touch to any table.
BEST-IN-CATEGORY DURABILITY & VALUE - Our Game-Changer glasses weigh more and contain more Tritan than any other glasses in their category, but despite their superior weight, strength, and durability, they are priced competitively, guaranteeing you'll get your money's worth! (See also PRODUCT DESCRIPTION)
PERFECT BALANCE & WIDE, SMOOTH RIMS - Our shatterproof wine glasses are made from Eastman Chemical's Tritan TX001 plastic, proven BPA-free and food-safe. They are perfectly balanced to resist tipping, and feature wide, smooth rims to eliminate lip irritation.
GO ANYWHERE PORTABILITY - These indoor/outdoor glasses will easily fit into any tote or backpack and they will not break, so you can take them with you to the patio, the pool, the beach, the boat and the campsite without worry.
PRODUCT CARE - Our Game Changer wine glasses are rated to 210⁰ Fahrenheit. They are guaranteed dishwasher-safe, and an occasional wipe with a soft cloth will quickly enhance their brilliance and clarity. REMEMBER - Always avoid using scouring pads on all types of plastics.