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FOOD SAFE SILICONE BBQ GLOVES; the Gelindo multipurpose pair of silicon insulated gloves are BPA-free and FDA Approved; the best for handling anything hot around the kitchen.
BBQ GRILLING GLOVES offer unparalleled heat protection for your hands from scotching hot temperatures up to 425 Degrees. And it's waterproof too!
PERFECT GRIP aided by 5 finger silicone oven mitts design with textured silicon that also features raised details for a completely non-slip grip on smooth items like glass and porcelain.
BUILT TO LAST with premium quality silicon material that is heat resistant and tear-proof even with the most rigorous use in the kitchen and around the house.
- ECO-FRIENDLY OVEN MITTS; the Gelindo professional oven mitt and pot holder set is durable and re-usable. They're made with fully recyclable materials to reduce environmental waste. Backed by 1 Year warranty, we'll replace the silicone oven mitts if you're not fully satisfied. CLICK the Orange button to Order Now!