Ends in 03h 59m 14s Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. $19.99 FREE Shipping on orders over $25. FREE Shipping on orders over $25. This item HDTV Antenna - Sobetter Indoor Amplified TV Antenna 50 Mile Range with Detachable Amplifier Signal Booster, USB PowerSupply and 10ft High Performance Coax Cable - Upgraded Version Better Reception FREE ShippingFREE ShippingFREE ShippingFREE ShippingFREE ShippingFREE Shipping 0.02 x 1.42 x 8.54 in 2.8 x 1.25 x 8.8 in 9.3 x 13.3 x 0.2 in 11.8 x 13 x 0.1 in 10.4 x 13.6 x 1.97 in 1 x 10.5 x 10.5 in I ditched the cable for at least 2-3 months,I don't want cable any more that took me much money,I get about 18 channels with this antenna,it's good for me Got this amplified antenna hoping it will boost the signal and give me more channels. Well guess what, it was not any better. Still looking for a better one. I highly recommend this antenna if you live in a residential area,this one can help you to receive more channels.It receives all the channels that I watch. Couldn't believe claim of 50 mile reception,but for price and free shipping I decided to give it a try. I really recommend this antenna if you guys want to cut down your bills ! I used to pay 80$ per month to time warner for my internet and basic broad cast tv. I've tried a number of indoor antenna for my LG TV,I've never been able to get our public TV channel,this is my last time to try,I came across SOBETTER 50miles antenna,this... Delivered earlier than promised.We also at first only were able to pick up a couple of channels, after changed as we are now getting about 65channels when you include the... For the price I don't know anywhere I could have found a better antenna.And it performs great than my another small antenna,I getting 36 channels,I can get stations as fas as 50... I installed the antenna in the living room and works. I'm not sure it would suffer severe weather in our area, but is works well in my apartment. Problem for us is location. 40 miles from Indianapolis and in the woods. Not sure of solution at this time
Deal ends May 23.
50-MILE RANGE - The Upgraded Version antenna amplifier boosts the TV antenna with better signal and small size design optimizes reception. Working frequency: VHF 87.5-240MHz, UHF 470-862MHz. Channel reception may vary depending on what's broadcasting in your area, distance from broadcast towers, terrain and the surroundings. Before you buy, Check what available channels are in your area by using these websites:"antennaweb.org" or "antennapoint.com".
FREE CHANNELS - Cut the cable and get access to your local news, weather, sitcoms, kids and sports programs, educational programs etc., Absolutely FREE. Enjoy crystal clear HDTV shows, 720p, 1080i, 1080p | ATSC available.The Digital Indoor TV antenna can help.
LONG COAXIAL CABLE - Makes indoor TV antenna easier for you to place it in your house to get the best reception, especially for customers whose televisions are quite far away from windows.
SLIM & HIGH PERFORMANCE - Slim design makes free HDTV antenna easy to lay flat on table, hide it behind the TV, or place it high on window (highly recommended). It'll pull in hundreds of crystal clear digital & HD shows!
WHAT YOU GET –Sobetter Indoor HD TV Antenna with 10ft coaxial cable,USB power adapter,Amplifier Signal Booster,Spare 3M Sticker,we do offer a 30-day money back guarantee on all orders to allow your to test the antenna's suitablity in your area.