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Deal ends Aug 13.
★ LESS HAIR LOSS, LESS STRESS: No more ripping out hair just to get rid of tangles! Ordinary brushes work against the hair, basically ripping through and pulling out the knotted hair instead of detangling it! But this comb works to separate the hair sideways instead of down, gently unraveling even the toughest tangles
★ CLASSIC WOODEN COMB STYLE: No fancy attachments here, just a solid wood comb that will take care of you every morning. Hair, beards, and mustaches will all benefit from this classically styled, sturdy straight wood comb. No scratching or itching when this comb touches your face. The soft teeth are perfect for keeping your beard looking neat and tidy. Say goodbye to tangles and snags for good
★ ANTI-STATIC & DETANGLES: Even the most stubborn beards and head hair. Take comfort knowing your hair is no match for the this comb. Straighten out your hair or beard so you can shape the way you want whether your using beard oil, beard wax or anything else
★ TAKE IT ON THE GO: Thanks to its compact and portable design, which is perfect for home, travel and outdoor use. No more fits when it's time to get ready to go out!
★ THE PERFECT GITF TO OTHERS OR YOURSELF: Birthdays, Father's Day, Graduation Day... these all make for wonderful occasions to treat the man in your life with a premium grade beard comb. Any bearded man will appreciate something that can tame his facial wildabeast