Ends in 04h 18m 06s Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. FREE Shipping on orders over $25. FREE Shipping on orders over $25. Great bags that look great, constructed well and can be customized. I use them for purchased items at craft shows. These bags were perfect! I would order them again and you can't beat the price. You won't be disappointed with your purchase. Bags were exactly what I wanted. They are sturdy enough to hold the items I'm looking to distribute. Handles fell off when picked up. Perfect size. These are perfect for bagging up Girl Scout cookie orders. Arrived on time and as expected. These are just what I was looking for! Nice bags. Very nice great produce. so many uses. Excellent! Exceeded my expectations and I highly recommend the bags.
Deal ends May 26.
Multipurpose Paper Bags: Size: 8" x 4.75" x 10.5", Halulu craft paper bags should be your first choice. These plain white paper bags can be used for a variety of purposes. Use them to store clothes or shoes, or to organize your wardrobe, or even as shopping and gift bags.
Strong and Versatile Bags: These bags are made with thick plain white Kraft paper and have a strong rope handle. They are strong and sturdy paper bags that can carry at least 5.5lbs of weight easily. The box type bags have a flat bottom so they can stand well.
Durable DIY Paper Gift Bags: These bags are perfect for craft and DIY. They are plain white and can be painted, printed and embellished as you may wish. Personalize the bags to make them uniquely yours. Print your own business logo and use them as retail carry bags.
Sturdy Handles: Halulu Kraft paper bags have handles that are attached well to the bags. They do not come off like handles on other bags. All the seals on the bag are very strong and do not open up or rip apart easily. Large opening allows for keeping large items.
Eco-friendly Bags: Halulu bags are made with an eco-friendly biodegradable material. These bags can be recycled, reused and composted. Halulu bags come with our 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you are not happy with the product, return it for an exchange or a refund. Get your pack of 25 bags now!