• Amazon offers Hertzko Heavy Duty Retractable Dog Leash with 16 Feet Nylon Ribbon Extends for Small, Medium and Large Dogs up to 110lbs for $17.99 $14.00.
  • Ends in 02h 48m 02s Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. $17.99 FREE Shipping on orders over $35. FREE Shipping on orders over $35. Not happy with your product. The opening for my hand is too small, I can't get all my fingers into the opening, thus forcing me to leave either my index finger along side the... Good size for larger hands. Working smooth so far. Nice rubber grip. Heavier than some but my husband says it's fine. Just received the leash today and had to take it for a test walk. I have a 14 lb maltipoo, but prefer leashes for bigger dogs. Great leash very smooth and easy to use. Very quick to retract with no problems. Works great. Lost of lead. Wonderful products. High quality and received promptly. Will buy more in the future. Thanks! Love it so much just ordered another. Great leash! Our 70 lb. lab mix tends to pull on walks and this leash was a good solution to keep her under control and yet give her a little freedom to sniff around. Easy to use retractable leash and strong enough to handle my 83 lb golden. Great purchase and great service from the vendor. great leash
  • Deal ends Apr 02.

  • FINALLY, WALKING YOUR DOG WILL BE A FUN EXPERIENCE! - Our Retractable Pet Leash has a Secure Locking Mechanism that allows to adapt the leash to whatever length you wish while the 16 Ft Durable Nylon Ribbon gives plenty of space for you and your dog to enjoy a safe walk.
  • EASY TO BRAKE AND LOCK BUTTON – Simply hold the Leash by the handle and the SMOOTH and DURABLE Retracting Mechanism will keep the leash tight. To stop the leash, press the brake button with your thumb. It will remain locked as long as the button is pressed. Our Reliable Lock System gives you full control enabling instant retraction of your dog when needed.
  • EXTRA LONG AND SAFE RIBBON – Strong and Durable Nylon Ribbon extends 16 Feet, allowing your dog to roam freely while maintaining control.
  • COMFORTABLE, STRONG, AND DURABLE- Our STRONG Leash can carry your dog up to 110LBS! and is especially designed with a COMFORT-GRIP and ANTI-SLIP HANDLE, for secure gripping.
  • YOU CANT GO WRONG WITH THE HERTZKO RETRACTABLE LEASH - If our Retractable Leash is not everything that we say it is, and you're not completely satisfied with it within 30 days of purchase; we will refund every penny of your money, straight away.

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