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Deal ends Aug 26.
Cut down on waste. Reusable Sandwich and Snack Pack. 11 inches by 10 inches by 6 1/2 inches.
Tested for lead safety and phthalates, PVC, BPA, latex and vinyl-free, tested for lead safety, and machine-washable so there's no need to worry about spills. Made with food-safe materials, wipes clean and dishwasher safe.
Keeps food cold (or warm) for up to 4 hours, depending on the outside temperature. It is perfectly insulated, keeping warm food warm and cold food cold for hours
Strong and sturdy zipper, which keeps its contents intact.The flat bottom keeps it upright, perfect for bottles or dishes that you don't want tipping over. Soft-grip handles make it easy to carry.
We are the trusted kitchen brand with thousands of happy customers. You get a full unconditional money back guarantee if you are not happy with your Homdox Mini Snack Tote.