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Deal ends Sep 04.
✔ ELEGANT AND FASHIONABLE DESIGN - 100% anti-rust 304 stainless steel top and premium clear lead free glass body with non-corrosive ceramic blades
✔ CAPACITY 3/4 CUPS WITHOUT CONSTANTLY REFILL - Suitable for pepper, sea salt, spice, sesame, fennel, cumin and more
✔ EASY TO REFILL & CLEAN - Disassemble easily and can be refilled in minutes [Clear hardness Glass for Viewing and helps you see when to refill]
✔ GRINDING FROM TOP OF GRINDER - Effectively avoid any spills of salt and ensures clean countertops [Grinds from Coarse to Fine with a simple twisting]
✔ NO MORE FLAVOR REDUCE & MOISTURE ENTERING - Ensure salt and pepper ends up only on your food and keeps it fresh and dry