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Deal ends Sep 06.
These assorted color shelf baskets are crafted of sturdy plastic kind of material,FDA approved and BPA free,freezer proof,dishwasher safe,definitely safe as food/vegetables holder in kitchen freezer.
Slim and durable,they are smooth around the edges and don't bend or break easily even in the hands of a toddler,great for your pens and pencils,cosmetics,toiletries,or home odds and ends storage.
These baskets come in three lively bright and vibrant colors,stackable and nesting,so if not in use they won't take up much space,it is the perfect multi colored bundle of totes for space saving idea.
This set has three baskets with different size (large,medium and small) and color,two little white circle/round rings to makes it easy to pull ingredient/condiment from a higher shelf or hang them.
With tiny enough perforation on all body designed,ventilated and lightweight,good storage solution for countertop small parts,classroom multiple items,bedroom accessories or linus packet organization.