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Deal ends Aug 19.
Replacement Cartridge for HotelSpa® Universal Shower Filter Model 1126. Can be used with HotelSpa® 6-Setting 6 Inch Rainfall Shower Head with Shower Filter System Model 1130.
KDF (copper and zinc) is the media of choice in better quality shower filters. Depending on water temperature and flow variables, it can eliminate up to 99% of harmful chlorine and chlorine vapors from shower water. KDF also reduces exposure to Radon and Hydrogen Sulfide, discourages the growth of mold, fungi and algae, and improves water's pH Balance.
KDF also reduces lime and scale buildup, keeping your showerhead nozzles and bathroom fixtures cleaner than ever! As the water passed from KDF into GAC (active carbon) chamber, it goes through the second filtration stage of Carbon Absorption for additional cleaning and disinfection. After you first shower with this double-purified water, you will notice immediate improvement in the condition of your skin, hair and nails!
After you first shower with this double-purified water, you will notice immediate improvement in the condition of your skin, hair and nails!
INSTALLATION: Tools-free Installation. Connects in minutes to any standard overhead shower arm, no tools required