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Deal ends Aug 23.
✓ SHINE BRIGHT - Engineered to produce an unprecedented average of 67lm/watt! Save up to 84% on your electricity bill by replacing 40W with 7W.
✓ BRING THE OUTSIDE, INSIDE - Hyperikon's CRI90+ technology provides near-sunlight quality light for true color rendering and consistency inside your home. Have sunlight on a cloudy day!
✓ LIGHT WITHOUT DELAY - Our A19 bulb will light instantly once you flip the switch. No delay and no warm up time, just flawless performance.
✓ ENTIRELY DIMMABLE - Next-generation LED technology delivers seamless 100-10% dimming capabilities to your living room, dining room and bedroom for an inviting atmosphere.
✓ HASSLE-FREE WARRANTY - Hyperikon's five-year unlimited warranty means we've got you covered! Contact us for an easy and fast replacement.