Ends in 03h 32m 10s Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. $14.99 FREE Shipping on orders over $35. FREE Shipping on orders over $35. got it for my gun range bad. small, but with important things! Great kit, it has everything I need. After I bought it my son's friend had a little accident with his scooter and immediately I got the kit and I had everything I needed in it. Just the right size for a backpack... everything you need. Very nice compact kit. Everything inside is well packaged and easy to find. Hope I don't need to use it. Well designed product, would buy again. Shipped fast and in Excellent condition. I actually had to use this on our first trip. My brother inlaws daughter scraped up both knees on our hiking trip. Nice, just what I wanted in a small first aid kit. I keep this in my backpack when I'm riding my bike. My Grandson loves this!!! Seems very complete and well organized. Goes into a medium molle pouch with ease.
Deal ends Mar 29.
NEED HEALTH PRACTITIONER QUALIFIED FIRST AID KITS? Packaged is Based on thorough research, analysis and years in the health field providing solutions used by thousands of consumers, we're supplying THE BEST KITS for the price and 85 piece contents for yourself and loved ones.
" COMPACT, LIGHT AND PORTABLE (Weighing Only 1.05 Pounds And Is 4.72x6.29x1.96, can fit into your car's glove box""). The compatible straps on the back allow the user to wear it on other bags or your belt. Take it with you on road trips, hiking backpacking, camping, traveling or keep your own safe at home, school or the workplace.er resistant bag and water proof inner laminate bags protect all items against moisture."
NECESSARY FOR unforeseeable disaster,be Prepared In Case Of Disasters Like Earthquakes And Other Real-World Emergencies , "I GO" holds all the valuable first aid supplies and preparedness items.
WIDE RANGE OF USES , Perfect for road trips, hiking, backpacking, camping, travel, kitchen, workplace, school and home.
"HIGH QUALITY STANDARDS, This is Your Best Choice For Road Trips, Hiking, Backpacking, Camping, Travel, Kitchen, Workplace, School And Home. Produced With High Quality Standards in a FDA Approved facility and Comes With our Famous ""Always Prepared"" Easy-To-Claim Lifetime Guarantee"