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Deal ends Aug 23.
A WONDERFUL GIFT TO INSPIRE CREATIVITY-The colored pencils are eco non- toxic solid wood barrels and pigments which make them perfect for Adult Coloring Books, Drawing, Sketching
SKETCH WITH VARIETY - All of our Pencils are 7 inches and Lacquered barrels match the color of each pencil. This makes finding the perfect color extremely easy. And the multitude of colors including; white , black, cream yellow, lemon yellow, red, purple, charcoal, Green , Blue, and much more!
GREAT FOR KIDS AND ADULTS - Whether you're looking for a beautiful set of pencils for Grown Up Coloring Books or for your 3rd Grader's art project - You'll find this set to be perfect for both!
GORGEOUS AND VIVID PAINTING EFFECTS - High print effect, gliding effortlessly over the paper and the colors are very vivid and smooth
DUEABLE AND USEFUL - nice sharpened colored pencil with a sharpener, which sharpened easily and do not break easily