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Deal ends Aug 23.
iPhone 5S Case, Good Material: This case is made of environment-friendly plastic and anti-stretch TPU rubber and is safe and convenient to use.
Good Fitness: This case is specially made for iPhone 5/5s to provide full around protection and decoration.
Good Visual Effect & Comfort-ability: This case will bring you not only an eye-catching appearance but also great convenience in phone operation, such as the bright color contrast, the open-face design and the convex design at two sides, all of which make it a considerate partner for your iPhone 5/5s.
Good Personality Highlight: This case comes with a cut-out back to show your Apple logo. Love your Apple phone, love your case.
iPhone 5 Case, Good Durability & Uniqueness: This case is designed by our professional designer for iPhone 5/5s and merges many personalized elements. It is popular with business users and is also a hot product. In addition, we provide a free lifetime replacement for this case.