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Deal ends Aug 30.
MAGNETIC CLOSURE: Your iPhone 6 Plus and 6S Plus is safer with the effective and stylish magnetic closure provided
HANDS FREE OPTIMIZED: Watching a movie or video on your iPhone 6 Plus or 6S Plus has been made easier with the cover case. The firm stand enables users to have a good hands-free experience on their iPhone 6 Plus and 6S Plus
HANDMADE WALLET CASE: This wonderful cover case is also multi-functional, not just an iPhone 6 Plus or 6S Plus case. Featured in this cover case is a secure and portable wallet to increase your mobility. The wallet case can be used to secure money and cards you will put in your purse or wallet normally
PREMIUM QUALITY MATERIALS & CRAFTSMANSHIP: Looks beautiful, feels great, wears well (our Vegan Leather is made from polyurethane instead of cowhide)
GET FREE TEMPERED GLASS SCREEN PROTECTOR - Hurry up and buy right now! First 1000 buyers will get FREE tempered glass screen protector. LIFETIME WARRANTIES to ensure you a perfect shopping experience