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Deal ends Aug 31.
Size:5.3" L x 1.4" W x 8.7" H, will hold 2 passports; Made of durable polyester waterproof with zipped closure, Durable and light weighted
High density waterproof Polyester travel wallet with zipped closure,ensure passport/ tickets etc don't get wet if travelling in rain
Ideal for holiday use. A huge variety of pockets within this wallet. Each compartment for different cards, passports etc. Lots of space. Has a zip pocket on the side to carry cash.
Light weight and easy to carry. The strap - really adds a sense of security when you have it around your wrist with the wallet in your hand and it's just really convenient.
Clean and stylish, with a good design, this wallet is the perfect size to store in a rucksack or suitcase, ensuring that your important documents are not damaged by other items stored in these.