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Deal ends Sep 07.
Wider angle with Pan 350 degrees (Horizontal) and Tilt 100 degrees (Vertical) and digital zoom through APP remote control.(Application Video Address: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fK6-cfXNuOM&feature=youtu.be )
Two Way Audio: The built-in speaker and microphone allow voice communicating between the APP and camera sides.( FAQ Address:https://www.dropbox.com/s/na961mkgm39tpci/C1601w%2C%20C1602wFAQ.pdf?dl=0)
See more details with HD 720P clarity up to 1280 * 720 even in darkness with video recording on micro SD card up to 32GB.
Night Vision: Built-in IR LEDs allow you viewing and recording live video even in complete darkness with motion detection alert.
Wireless Smart camera: It will help you stay connected with what your baby, parents,pets, no matter where you are via WiFi, 3G or 4G network.(Attention please, the camera DOES NOT support with APPLE MACBOOK and WINDOWS PHONE, for other PC application, please check more details on http://www.mipcm.com)