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Deal ends Aug 24.
New features of Intcrown Bluetooth Headphones: Comfortable, user-friendly,luxury design, great sound quality.5 hours working time, and 10 meters working distance. And we offer One year warranty.
Intcrown Wireless Bluetooth Headphones are especially designed to provide you with the best experience of enjoying music while you are exercising. They are equipped with CSR Bluetooth V4.1+EDL and DSP Noise cancellation technology.
It's perfect for all different types of sports, such as running. They have all the features you need: Super light weight, and great sound quality. The chord is just about the right length, easy to connect to Bluetooth that allows you to enable hands-free talking. In conclusion, you get full range of movement while maintaining good sound quality and pain free experience.
Package contents: Intcrown Wireless Bluetooth Headphones, User manual, USB charging cable, and Ear buds replacement.
Compatible with most Apple and Android phones and PC, such as iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 5, iPhone 5S, iPad, Samsung Galaxy, Samsung note.