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Deal ends Aug 24.
1.Ultra thin clear glitter rhinestone frame and cute prism crystal texture soft clear back bumper cover slim fit for Apple iPhone 6s plus / iPhone 6 plus 5.5 inch
2.Newest soft flexible Rubber Gel back panel with 136 Studded bling diamonds skin make your iPhone 6s luxury showing and soft touch feeling
3.Sturdy shock absorbent cute clear bling diamonds frame and 3D type of bling crystal case design protect your iphone 6s/6 against scratches, scrapes, dust, shock, impact, minor drops and other external damages
4.Precise and Active-easily access to all ports, sensors, speakers, cameras and all iPhone features. The New Active Touch technology is designed for a more natural responsive feel when pushing the volume and power button
5.Cute clear back cover and diamond frame, transparent original color, ultra thin and light-weight protective 6s case unique design for women & girls!