• Amazon offers Joyin Toy Wooden Cutting Food Pretend Play Food Set for $18.95 $15.16.
  • Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. $18.95 FREE Shipping on orders over $35. FREE Shipping on orders over $35. Ever since we got my toddler a play kitchen with plastic vegetables similar to these, she was enamored with the ability to slice them and put them in her pot. I bought this for my almost 3-year-old son because he has been obsessed lately with pretending to cut his food and get very upset that I won't let him use a real knife. My daughter just turned 2 and loves this toy! She is getting the hang of the cutting motion and I think this toy really has helped. Everything is great quality and realistic. The kids are very happy with it! They're having fun making pretend meals for us! Our kiddos love the cutting sound and it inspires imagination galore! Well-constructed and great colors? My grandson loves it. Awesome set. Both fun and educational. Never too young to teach proper knife skills. ;o) Great quality product! Our two year old on receiving it, played with it immediately as she enjoyed learning to cut the vegis. It came just in time for her Birthday. These are great and so fun for your little one.
  • Deal ends Mar 29.

  • SUPER VALUE. Includes 29 Pieces of 12 Different Kinds of Wooden Kitchen and Food Toys.
  • SUPER FUN. Ideal Kitchen Toys for Food Pretend Play. Can be Used as Educational Toys for Shape Matching, Counting and Concepts of Reconstruction.
  • QUALITY PRODUCT. Made with Natural Wood. Vibrant Colors with Non-Toxic Water Painting (No Smell). Self-Stick Velcro Tabs Never Come Off the Items Easily.Quality Velcro Tabs Hold Pieces Together Strongly.
  • REALISTIC. Comes with a Wooden Kitchen Knife and Cutting Board. All the Food Look Realistic with Details on the Intercept Faces. The Cutting Progress Through Velcro Feels Realistic and Sounds Realistic (with a Crunch sound).
  • EASY AND SAFE. Comes in a Nice Wooden Box for Easy Organization. This Toy has been Tested under US Toy Standard and Conforms to ASTM Toy Standards.

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