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Deal ends Aug 17.
THE WORLD'S LARGEST BEACH BLANKET! - At 8 feet by 8 feet, our next generation Kahuna parachute blanket is the biggest sand free beach sheet around, providing enough space for up to 4 people!
PORTABLE AND LIGHTWEIGHT - Our extra large parasheet blanket packs into an incredibly small 6 by 8 inch pouch. Take it with you anywhere. It's also the perfect picnic blanket, great for concerts, yoga, as a festival blanket, ground tarp, camping mat, travel blanket and even a sun shade. With built-in zippered storage pocket for your valuables too.
BEST QUALITY CONSTRUCTION - Our huge anti sand beach blanket is made of durable, premium quality, ultra-light parachute nylon. The Kahuna beach mat will far outlast any kind of beach towel. It dries in minutes, the sand shakes off it with ease, and it packs right up in a jiffy.
12 SAND POCKETS and EXTRA GROUND STAKES will hold your new outdoor blanket beach sheet securely in place on the sand or at the park, even on windy days.
ZERO RISK PURCHASE - Your premium nylon beach blanket comes with our quality assurance 1-year full replacement warranty and 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.