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Deal ends Aug 14.
[Supreme mini size] Lightweight, 3.3ounces. Easily fitted into the pocket. Portable and great load-carrying. All-in-one simple designs Plug & Play - Snap Away!
[Battery Free][App Free] Take selfies whenever you want to. Unstable Bluetooth connection? NO Anymore. Steady 3.5mm wired connecting
[Foldable and Extendable] It could be extend to 27.5inches, the clamp for cellphone (width 1.96-3.34 inches) is 270 degree adjustable. Safe use: ergonomics and nonslip handle design cause no burdens.
[Gopro attachable]Universal 1/4 screw mount can connect Gopro sports cameras. Compatible with almost all mobile phone. Also serves as a phone holder/stand.
Ships in 1-2 business days, from USA. Warranty: Non-artificial damages, 1-month money back, 3-month warranty.100% Brand New Product, High Quality.