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Deal ends Aug 20.
zipper closure
3 TRAVEL PACKING CUBES VALUE SET: Large: 14.2 x 11 x 2.4, Medium: 12.2 x 8.7 x2.4, Small: 11 x 6.3 x 2.4r.Durable High Quality Nylon Fabric that resists usual wear and tear, Quality zippers, see through mesh top.
SAVE TIME AND STRESS - Clear classification help you to find items or cloths easily and fast. Pack & Unpack your luggage in a jiffy, especially when you have a plane to catch or a deadline to meet.
KEEPS YOU ORGANISED: pack according to travel destinations, weather or events; share the bags with other family members, each with his/her own colored cubes. Each cube can be used as LAUNDRY BAGS for your dirty clothes, shoes ,to keep your other Travel accessories clean .
KEEP YOUR ROOM TIDY AND SPACIOUS - just put the cubes inside the closet and drawers and avoid the clutter; Do not live off your luggage and locate any item easily!
LIGHTWEIGHT:0.6 pounds but Sturdy and durable Water resistant Easy to clean the best choice for your Travelling,Business Trip or any other outdoors