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Deal ends Sep 06.
Count Up and Down: Set one alarm per time. The kitchen timer acts as a stopwatch counting up to 99 mins 59 seconds from zero or down to zero from the set minutes/ seconds.
Large LCD Screen with Clear Digits: Large numbers are perfect for those who has a visual impairment, just a glance from across the room and you can easily read the timer display.
Loud and Clear Alarm: It doesn't have to sit directly next to you. You can be in another room and know your chicken is ready to come out of the over. Perfect timer for homework, exercise, gym workout, cooking (ie egg timer), sports, games and classroom timer activities.
Stand & Magnet: Attach it to your refrigerator or stove or use the kick stand on the back by flipping it down into place.
Ensure that your turkey is cooked properly with this Kootek kitchen timer.