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7075 AEOROSPACE ALUMINUM ALLOY: A much higher tensile strength than any 7001 aluminum alloy tent stake on the market. You won't have to worry about the hassle of a broken tent peg in the backcountry.
ULTRALIGHT TENT STAKE: With a length of 7in / 18cm and weighing in at just .46oz / 13g, these lightweight tent spikes add strength and security without the weight. 10pcs tent stakes in one waterproof bag. You won't even feel them in your pack.
HOLDING POWER: Our "Y" design heavy duty metal tent pegs penetrate and hold firmly in a wide range of soil conditions. You'll have no worries about being blown away on a windy night.
ATTACHED REFLECTIVE PULLCORD: The reflective pull cords are easily seen at night. They'll save you time and effort when you're trying to pack up your camp at the end of a great trip.
LIFETIME WARRANTY: If any problem with Kungix tent stakes, contact with us and we will make a refund or change a new one without any problems.