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ACCELERATE PLANT GROWTH :Emits the wavelength of the best led grow lights bulbs can replace the lack of sunlight,even more nutritious than the sun light.UFO LED grow light can be fully absorbed by the plants photosynthesis.
FULL SPECTRUM LED GROWING LIGHT :Appropriate proportion of blue-Red light is good for photosynthesis, Promoting plant stems rooting, formation of chlorophyll, carbohydrate accumulation and absorption and utilization, which are necessary for healthy leaves.
GOOSENECK ARM :19 ",Clamping range up to 3", Cord length: 53 ". A flexible, adjustable arm lets you position the advanced led grow lights for growing marijuana in any direction,and the led plant grow light kit is easy to place in small spaces.
SWITCH CONVENIENCE :On/Off switch is along the clamp cord, don't need to cut off the power while you need to turn off the cob cree led grow light bulbs.
ADVANTAGES IN USE :Energy saving, low heat and low power consumption,high luminous efficiency and long service life.