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Deal ends Aug 14.
Purpose: Helps accelerate the growth of indoor plants. Emits specific wavelengths designed for maximum light absorption and optmized for vegetation and blooming
Gooseneck Arm: A flexible, fully adjustable gooseneck arm that allows for nearly unlimited lighting positions. energy saving, low heat and low power consumption, high luminous efficiency and lifespan
Color Ratio: 5 Red LEDs (3pcs 630nm + 2pcs 660nm) and 2 Blue LEDs (2pcs 460nm). Blue light is optimized for photosynthesis, inducing chlorophyll and carotenoid, which are necessary for healthy leaves; red light is optimized for blooming and fruition
Quality: While other grow lights use cheap 1W LED chips, this LEDdrop grow light comes standard with 3W 45mil LED chips, ensuring prolonged use and longer lifespan
Customer Support: 30-day money back guarantee plus a 12-month replacement warranty and lifetime support