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Deal ends Aug 24.
Can store up to a maximum of 10 credit cards, due to the high quality elastic fabric used.
Sticked on the flatback of any Smartphone or its Protective case, Sinji Pouch makes it turn into Purse, Money Clip, Wallet for men, Wallet for Women, Card Holder, Credit Card holder and Credit Card Case.
3M removable tape allows the LOFA Pouch to stick on strongly and easily be removed without any residue.
Supports all smartphones which has a flatback, with enough size to fit a credit card such as iPhone 6 / 6 Plus / 5 / 5s / 5c / 5 / 4 /4s, Samsung Galaxy S5 / S4 / S3 / S2, Galaxy Note 4 / 3 / 2 / 1, LG G3 / G2 / Optimus series, Nexus 6 / 5 / 4, HTC M8 / EVO / Desire / Sense, iPod Touch , Sony Xperia and much more!
LOFA is the brand made case and handbag backpack!!