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Deal ends Aug 27.
nylon lining
zipper closure
This 4-piece set features 4 various cube sizes that allows you to store different items from clothing to toiletries. Differing sizes also allows them to be fit and be stored in any type of daypack, backpack, or suitcase, in order to fit your unique traveling style. This can help you easily identify your belongings, making for a more organized and efficient way to travel.
Ripstop Nylon is proven to be extremely durable; it can easily withstand packing compression and abuse during your travels. The flexible fabric is reinforced with interwoven threads in a crosshatch pattern to prevent tears. The Double Stitched Seams ensure longtime use. Pull-String Zippers make opening and closing quick and easy. You will know your clothes are well protected!
Whether you love traveling or just need some extra storage, our stackable packing cubes offer just the right size for both adventures and organizational needs.
Large cube: 17.5"*12.75"*3.25".Medium cube:13.75"*9.75"*3". Small cube:11"*6.75"*3". Shoe bag:14"*7"*4.5"
Light-Weight, Water-Resistant. Enjoy them for your travel.