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Deal ends Aug 28.
SPEEDS UP KITCHEN PREP. Saves time on difficult cutting jobs - these pro-quality powerful kitchen scissors can do it in just a snip! Sharp blade with ergonomic soft grip handle.
MULTIFUNCTION KITCHEN SHEARS. Heavy duty for easy cutting of meat, poultry, vegetables, trimming fat etc. No need for a knife and board.
HIGH QUALITY CORROSION RESISTANT. Sharp stainless steel blades with micro-serrated edge for slip proof cutting. Makes food prep a 'snip'! Built in bottle opener. Serrated section in easy grip handle for opening tough sealed bottles or even cracking nuts!
COMFORTABLE EASY GRIP HANDLES. Great grip for both right and left handed chefs, these comfortable and super sharp scissors will make food preparation easier and faster. A handy tool anywhere you prepare a meal - at home, at work and in the outdoors. IT'S ALSO A GREAT HOLIDAY GIFT.
GREAT DEALS AND LIFETIME GUARANTEE - The Amphow Multifunction Kitchen Shears comes with a 100% Money Back Lifetime Guarantee. The Amphow kitchen scissors ship from USA.