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Deal ends Aug 20.
BEST LEATHER BELT for men! Our belt was made by people who really know leather. This belt has a beautiful single black stitching and has 5-hole adjustment, holes are 1 inch apart. The back side of the belt is brown with brown stitching.
NEVER WORRY ABOUT BELT QUALITY AGAIN with this durable AVIMA Men's belt. This belt has been made from high quality Genuine leather. The leather is very soft allowing this belt to easily bend and mold to your waist. AVIMA develops high quality products. You can count on our QUALITY at an AWESOME Price with a Brand you can Trust!
Our AVIMA belt is compact and light weight. This belt has AVIMA logo outside. It is recommended you order one size up from pants size.
Comfortable on the waist, complement your unique fashion sense with this versatile and durable belt. Before you buy this AWESOME belt, grab a measuring tape. Measure where you wear your belt with pants on.
No more imitation leather, BUY GENUINE LEATHER BELT from us, so buy one today for you and a friend or family member. Simply click the 'Add to Cart' button! Why buy from us? We have been selling online for years and price, quality and customer service are our TOP PRIORITY! Give us a try and find out for yourself!