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Deal ends Aug 18.
Pack of 2 two size foldable storage boxes with cover, which made of oxford fabric. It is not only a simple box to store staff, but a perfect home decor material which is fashionable, durable and decent
Both sides of the body use fabric as the surface, very suitable for store clothes, such as shirt, sweater, skirt, trousers and so on.
The box is designed for normal wardrobe, also fit with home use shelf, and it is the best mate for your cloakroom or storage room.
Collapsible design to make it very convenient and save space for you to put it away when you don't need to used it.
The Big one unfolded: 17.70*11.8*11.80 inch; folded: 17.72*11.80*0.78inch The Small one unfolded: 14.96*9.84*9.84inch; folded: 14.95*9.84*0.78inch (L*W*H)