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Deal ends Aug 16.
Includes: (4) 12 inch Warm White 3000K Modular LED Under Cabinet Lighting Panel, 12 Watt Power Supply - Link up to (4) 12 inch LED Light Panel, Dimmer Switch, 4-Way Splitter, (4) 3ft Interconnect Cable, (4) Modular Connector, and (8) Mounting Brackets w/ Screws.
Ultra Slim 12 inch Under Cabinet Lighting, 60 percent thinner than standard under cabinet lighting: Sturdy Aluminum Body, one of the best in the market for its exceptional durability, Each 12 inch LED Light Panel consumes only 3 Watt (11.75 × 1.3 × 0.35in, 3.6oz).
Great Application for Under Cabinet, Over Cabinet, Display Cabinet, Hutches, Work Bench, Bookcase, Shelf, Closet, and More!
UL listed (File Number. E365383): Modular LED Light Panel and Power Supply have been certified by UL to ensure & maximize the safety.