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Deal ends Aug 25.
Handheld Monopod with Tripod mount adapter:work with all compact point and digital cameras that has self-timer and tripod. Adjustable ball head and thumb screw locks for multiple angle shooting with 180 degree position.
Chest mount with j-hook buckle and long screw. The chest mount and Vertical Surface J-Hook Buckle helps your Gopro camera to have a shooting and recording steadily on the chest. Used in bicycle and autocycle riding,sking boating, fishing,hiking,etg.
Head Strap + Long Screw. The adjustable head strap is compatible with all sizes GoPro cameras. It allows you to use the Gopro camera on head or helmet to record those before you. NOT RECOMMENDED for high-impact sports.
Floating handle grip is designed to keep your camera with a waterproof shell (not included)easy to float on the water. Bright yellow in the water and can easily be found.
360 Rotary Clip Mount.Quick clip and remove to the waist belt, bag, safety harness, cap and other place in an easy and firm way.Storage bag is provided for working as your moving pocket which you can find the camera and all the accessories right away.