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Deal ends Sep 07.
[DRIVE AWAY ANIMALS] Flashing red light watched just like predator's eyes even fire keeping wild nocturnal animals far away. Irradiation distance up to 100ft.
[THE POWERFUL ANIMAL PREDATOR LIGHT] Solar powered pro-environment panels & Storage Battery & 4PCS Waterproof red LED & 4 Super Magnets. Magnetic for easy use and movement, also included screw holes for mounting into wood.
[MODIFIED FUNCTION] Automatically star-up circuit work at night, all night protection. Random flashing pattern ensures animals do not become used to the lights and ignore eyes.
[REPELLER TO NIGHT PREDATORS] All common animals as Fox, Deer, Wolf, Coyote, Skunk, Bear, Owls, Hawks and more.
[PROTECTS] Gardens, Orchards, Vineyards, Ponds, Livestock, Chicken Coops, goats, Trash Bins, Property, Camp sites from night attacks.