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Deal ends Aug 23.
✔100% SATISFACTION MONEY BACK GUARANTEE IF PURCHASED FROM MINTPEAR THE MANUFACTURER . We don't give you a chance to lose money. Try it and if you don't like it send it back.
✔Easy simple solution with a modern design. The White color is the most effective because you can see how clean the bag is and how much it can hold. You can even use this bag for the beach and in the car. You can basically use it on any surface your sucktion cups will hold. Many of our customers use it to wash delicate clothes like lingerie. When you place it in the washer just make sure you remove the succession cups.
✔HIGHEST QUALITY mesh, fast drying polyester edging, and powerful large suction cups. The bag is large enough (20in x20in) to hold all of your baby's toys. This sturdy bag will stay intact to your tile or window and out of the way when you don't need it. It is made with the Fastest drying polyester, to ensure the cleanliness of anything you put in it and out of reach of pets and kids.
✔Anti-microbial material makes clean up easy and prevents odors and the formation of bacteria. No black mold no sour smells and no danger on your kids. IT WILL KEEP YOUR TOYS MOLD FREE. Wet toys are not safe , and they are hazardous if left in stagnant water and formulated mold. The toy organizer keeps toys fresh clean and new. The Mesh netting allows water to completely flow, drain and wash stuff in the bag, it allows air to dry toys really fast. winter or summer.
✔THE LARGEST MESH BAG ON AMAZON.Extra Large 20x20inch Mesh Bag with 8cm suction cups for safety and security Best way to Keep your bathroom clean and organized with the most cost effective method that actually works. Putting toys and beach tools and clothes away in the bath Mesh bag has never been easier. Keeps your bathroom looking presentable while storing your kids' toys and other beach business away neatly. THIS IS THE BEST BATH ORGANIZER