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Deal ends Aug 12.
Two powerful audio drivers on each side offering balanced audio and crystal clear sounds, providing a comfortable and dynamic listening experience.
Comfortable and secure design fits perfectly to your ear; the cable smartly stays out of your way when running, jogging or exercising
CVC Noise Cancellation 6.0 technology reduces outside noises, enable clearer sound from microphone, you get high quality, hands-free phone conversation even on the street or inside shopping mall
Long listening with our Bluetooth headset, running & workouts can go for longer to the beat! The polymer 80mAh battery in the Bluetooth headphones wireless device provides 7 hours of talk & playing time & 175 hours of standby time. Much more than other sports headphones!
Latest Bluetooth 4.0 technology with up to7 hours of continuous talking / music time; easy and fast pairing with smartphones, tablets and other Bluetooth enabled music devices; aptX codec provides pure, CD-like high quality sound for compatible devices.