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LONG-LASTING REPELLENT - Bracelet comes with 4 refills and gives you protection for 60 days or more. When your refill is finished, simply remove and replace when done, no need to throw away your bracelet to buy another one.
ADJUSTABLE TO ALL SIZES - The bracelet can be adjusted to fit children and adults of all ages. You no longer have to worry about finding the right size, thanks to the adjustable band. Can also be attached to your backpack, pant loop or stroller.
NO-SPRAY DEET-FREE TECHNOLOGY - You no longer have to spray yourself or your loved ones to protect against pesky mosquito bites. The product is DEET-FREE and is made of natural substances such as citronella, lavender, peppermint and geranium. The combination of these natural substances effectively disrupts a mosquito's ability to sense you! Mosquito Repellent Bracelet is 100% guaranteed to help repel mosquitoes.
PEST REPELLER WITH NATURAL INGREDIENTS - patented to provide absolute satisfaction, our bracelets use mosquito repellent plants that keep garden pests and insects away. No more using toxic sprays with chemicals that only damage your skin!
MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE - offers 24hr protection from mosquitoes and garden pests for a whooping 60 days - love it, or get your money back - that's our promise. This natural mosquito repellent bracelet is backed up by 90 days money-back guarantee. No questions asked! CLICK the Orange button to Order Now!