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★★ TIRED OF CHEAP QUALITY NUT MILK BAG STRAINERS WHICH WILL RIP APART AFTER COUPLE OF USES ★★ LOOKING FOR BEST REUSABLE & DURABLE NUT MILK BAG IN THE MARKET USABLE WITH BLENDTEC ➜ Look no further, we have the strongest premium quality Food Grade FDA approved & BPA FREE nut milk bag or mesh strainer available, stronger than cheesecloth, cotton or muslin strainers with double reinforced stitched edges made of high quality fine nylon filtering blendtec mixes
★★ NO WASTE, EASY TO CLEAN, PULP FREE & QUICK DRY MESH STRAINER ★★ Our nut milk bags are designed keeping in mind your kitchen needs ➜ With round bottom or U shape for easy cleaning compared to square nut milk bags leaving pulp and particles getting stuck in the corners. Use it, wash with warm soap water, rinse it and air dry it.
★★ ENJOY HEALTHY VEGAN LIFE STYLE WITH OUR NUT MILK BAGS OR MESH STRAINER ★★ Promote healthy foods and drinks ➜ Instead of buying cheap nut milks i.e. almond milk, coconut milk or cashew milk; make your own mom's choice from scratch using organic, raw nuts, seeds & fruits paying for itself in no time bringing a whole new meaning, no antibiotics or added hormones & preservatives just fresh or dried nuts from trees.
★★ RISK FREE 90 DAYS MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE ★★ We stand behind our premium quality nut milk bags or pro quality nut milk bag and will ensure you are a happy user also comes with FREE healthy choice recipe e-book o you can try different recipes every day of the week making juices drinks or nut milks i.e.almond milk, cashew milk, coconut milk, hazelnut milk.
★★ FITS ALL OF YOUR STRAINER, FILTERING & SPROUTING NEEDS ★★ PACK OF 2 FINE NUT MILK BAGS 12"x12" (BIG) & 9"x12" (LARGE) INCLUDED FOR THE PRICE OF ONE ➜ Instead of 1 nut milk bag like our competition, we have included 2 bags fits all of your needs. Perfect for making your own homemade: Almond nut milk, soy milk, cashew milk, coconut milk, rice milk, fruit juices, vegetable juices, hemp milk, flax milk, blendtec or vitamix, cold brew coffee, stew straining, cheese maker & sprouting seeds.