• Amazon offers Nayoya Weighted Gloves - 1 Pound Each Glove for Sculpting MMA Cardio Aerobics Hand Speed Coordination Shoulder Strength and Kickboxing for $18.97 $15.17.
  • Ends in 01h 01m 21s Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. $18.97 FREE Shipping on orders over $25. FREE Shipping on orders over $25. The placing of the Velcro across the wrist portion is for a small person. I am a man an just had a shoulder injury so I wanted to use this to slowly build my strength back, and I... These were terrible for kickboxing. Within 5 minutes of wearing these, even with hand wraps, my skin was peeling off from lack of protection. The opening for the thumb is not designed properly. It shouldn't be a circle. It shall be more like an oval shape. I ordered these gloves for cardio boxing at home. They are made VERY well -- sturdy material, good velcro, etc. After reading many reviews on weight gloves I was so excited to purchase and start using the Nayoya gloves. AWSOME... Feel great and use often. Was a very good price. I would order more if they came in a higher weight. Too small thumb holes and very tight, even though my hands are small. Very awkward wrap around and extra fabric. The thumbhole is too small and cuts into my hands. I kept them hoping they would stretch out. The rest of the glove stretches but not the thumbhole. One of the weighted gloves started to leak out sand less than two months after purchase, contacted the manufacturer several times, no answer whatsoever, very negative experience.
  • Deal ends May 22.

  • Left and right hand weighted gloves weight 1 pound each. They are easy to put on and take off while securing the gloves with an adjustable closure. These gloves have the perfect weight to add extra intensity to workouts without making you feel weighed down
  • Adds resistance to your workouts and helps with hand speed, coordination as well as increased endurance. Strengthens and tones your arms and shoulders. You will feel the added intensity because your arms and shoulders will be getting a tremendous workout. Provides cushion and comfort
  • Extremely comfortable without weighing you down during your routine of choice. Made of neoprene with a well balanced construction to cushion your hands. The weighted gloves stay fastened and do not slip while in use.
  • Improves cardio and conditioning. Great for boxing, kickboxing, treadmill routines, brisk walks, and other cardiovascular activities. When traveling, these weighted gloves can easily be packed in your gym bag, carry on or luggage without worrying about extra weight or space. While in use they stay tight against your hands, so there's no moving around while throwing punches
  • One size fits all. Recommended by therapists for post stroke therapy to help strengthen the weaker side that was affected by the stroke

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