Ends in 05h 01m 04s Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. $24.95 FREE Shipping on orders over $25. FREE Shipping on orders over $25. Great product! Stopped my pup from barking when I leave him alone. Only took one day to train him. Only complaint is that it is a little sensitive and beeps when he is playing or... Love this collar for my dog. It's lighter weight and fits better than the last. I like the noise feature that give plenty of warning before there's a buzz. I was very happy with the collar, it's working great. THanks Collar buzzes randomly - when he shakes his head, when my other dog barks, when someone near him sneezes. ???????????????????? This device is not safe even on the low mode. My Black lab has burns and ulcers from the area it was on. She was not barking and this device would go off and shock her. Great price and quality! So far is working, is the first time I'm using this tape of collar for my dog im wonder what's going to happen if my dog gets wet, let you know when that happens. Good product would recommend this for a good training tool for your dog works well and no problems with it Our dog has learned not to bark when wearing the collar. A good teaching tool for her. Great choice and price.
Deal ends May 17.
AMAZINGLY EFFECTIVE: Used properly, your high-tech collar quickly tames your dog's annoying barking. Within days the problem should disappear, even if your pet is no longer wearing the collar.
SAFE, GENTLE & HUMANE: When your dog barks 2-3 times in a row, beeps impart a low-key warning. Then, if your pooch keeps on barking, mild static stimulation provides a pain-free correction.
7 SENSITIVITY LEVELS: With just 2 simple plus-&-minus buttons, you can fine-tune your collar's bark-detection response to suit both you & your dog. Adjustable for dogs from 18 to 120 lbs.
FREE GIFTS FOR ADDED VALUE Your Donidin No-Bark Collar comes with 1 complimentary collapsible bowl, a sturdy extra leash & a dog-training eBook. Also includes an easy-to-use product tester.
LIFETIME GUARANTEE: We have so much confidence in our anti-bark collar that we use it with our own dogs. We're sure you'll love it, too, but if you don't, we'll refund your full purchase price.