• Amazon offers ORBLUE Flexible Almond-Shaped Silicone Spoon Rest - 4-pack for $9.87 $7.89.
  • Ends in 05h 04m 16s Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. $9.87 FREE Shipping on orders over $25. FREE Shipping on orders over $25. This item ORBLUE Flexible Almond-Shaped Silicone Spoon Rest - 4-pack FREE Shipping FREE Shipping FREE Shipping FREE Shipping FREE Shipping FREE Shipping Amazon.com blue, red, green,orange Stainless Multicolor Red, blue, green, yellow, orange Multicolor yellow,blue,red,orange These spoon holders do what you want them to just like any spoon holder. What is different is that these are flexible. These are just so handy GOES WELL WITH KITCHEN DECOR. VERY DURABLE Not quite as sturdyas I thought they would be. My heavy soup ladle pushes the side down and causes it to leak I love these colorful and functional spoon holders. It's very helpful to have more than one spoon holder handy since I often multiple hot pots on the stove. These spoon rests are very nice! I love the colors, and it's nice to have extras so you can throw the dirty ones in the dishwasher (top rack of course). small and can have many on the counter I like that the sides are flexible so that I can fit any spoon or spatula on them. I wish they were a little bit heavier on the base as I am afraid they might tip a little. not sure how good these are I expected a hard case spoon holder these are flimsy I love this product, not only do I use it indoors, but outdoors, I used it recently at a BBQ, for serving utensils, I plan to bring them on our camping trip this summer, GREAT...
  • Deal ends May 22.

  • Made from durable, heat-resistant silicone that won't chip or crack even after frequent use
  • Has large resting area & stiff handle to help keep hot kitchen cooking utensils securely in place
  • Stain-proof holders preserve their beautiful appearance even after standing coffee, tea & soup utensils
  • Stove-top holders feature a handle hole so they can hang conveniently from a hook when not in use
  • Extra-large, quality resting plates come in a package of 4, in blue, red, green & orange colors

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