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Deal ends Sep 01.
CHEMICAL-FREE PEST CONTROL: No harm or damage to people or the environment with a chemical and smell free solution. Perfect for indoor environments such as hospitals, kitchens, homes, and workplaces and cabins
EASY TO CLEAN: Insects are collected in a removable and washable tray. The protective net is also removable to make cleaning easy SAFE, DURABLE, & NO "ZAP" SOUND : Equipped with a protective safety grid to separate and protect you from the electricity light panels. Made with durable oil proof, rust proof, alloy material
COVERS UP TO 320 SQUARE FEET, HANDSFREE: Covers up to a range of 320 square feet. Stands on its own or can be hung onto the wall with a chain hanger (included)
POWERFUL 20 WATT: Two 10 Watt UV light which emits a 365 nm wavelength light to effectively attract insects towards the electricity panes with up to 10,000 working hour lifespan
NOTE: Issue1: The upper part of the machine does not work : Solution: Each mosquito killer has 2 starters on the back, rotating the starter can make the mosquito killer work . Issue 2: does no light up and does not shock: Solution: The 2 tubes may not be connected so well. Rotate the tubes to make the mosquito killer work. Each mosquito killer has more than 20 weak connecting points inside which control the light and shock the mosquitoes